42.00د.اOriginal price was: 42.00د.ا.38.00د.اCurrent price is: 38.00د.ا.
Note: Sometimes some flowers are changed, depending on the season of flowers in Jordan, but be assured that if a change is made, a free upgrade will be done.
Size in Premium image
Red rose and gerbera, a special arrangement
Note: Sometimes the size of the flowers is different or the color of the flowers is changed. This depends on the flower season in Jordan
1,055.00د.اOriginal price was: 1,055.00د.ا.917.00د.اCurrent price is: 917.00د.ا.
1000 Red Rose Super huge arrangement
Note:Order at least 24 hours in advance. If you want to order the same day, contact support to check availability.