White Lilies with pink gerberas
mixed roses bouquet
Red Rose and Ferrero Rocher Bouquet
Rose 100 Red Roses- Lovely Fresh Flowers
White Orchid
(Special Offer) Strawberry Cake + Flowers
150 Red Roses Bouquet
Experience the beauty of red roses with our 150 Red Roses Bouquet. Carefully selected and elegantly arranged, this bouquet is composed of 150 exquisite red roses. Red roses symbolize love and passion, making them a wonderful gift to express deep emotions and romance. Whether it's for a special occasion like an anniversary celebration or to show care and appreciation for someone special in your life, this bouquet will add a touch of beauty and joy to any occasion. Make someone's day extra special by gifting them this stunning bouquet of red roses.
Arabic sweets + PeaceLily Plant
Beauty Pink package
A layer of biscuits with caramel and honey topped with cheese layer and then decorated with a layer of sauce rich in grains of wild blueberries
Dracaena -دراسينيا
Ferrero Rocher Mousse Cake
A chocolate cake layer coated with a layer of mousse Ferrero, stuffed with a layer of crispy hazelnuts mixed with chocolate sauce and coated with Belgian chocolate, rich in hazelnuts
Make the gift more beautiful by adding special chocolate boxes and balloons