Father Day
mixed roses bouquet
Red Rose and Ferrero Rocher Bouquet
Rose 100 Red Roses- Lovely Fresh Flowers
White Orchid
Purple Orchid-اوركيدا نهدي
(Special Offer) Strawberry Cake + Flowers
50 Red Roses
Arabic sweets + PeaceLily Plant
Chocolate pamp chocorizo
Crocan cake
Delightful Hamper
Eid Gift Package
Elegant package
The Pyramid Gifts
1 kg Dark Delights 500 g Desert Delights 250 g White Delights 4 pcs Lite Delights
10 red roses bouquet
Ferrero Rocher Mousse Cake
A chocolate cake layer coated with a layer of mousse Ferrero, stuffed with a layer of crispy hazelnuts mixed with chocolate sauce and coated with Belgian chocolate, rich in hazelnuts
Make the gift more beautiful by adding special chocolate boxes and balloons